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Providing Fresh Produce Every Single Day



We do process of transplanting tree seedlings, generally for forestry, land reclamation, or landscaping purposes.



We can provide nutrients for plants, lock in moisture, form a barrier against weeds and can help to insulate the roots of vulnerable plants from winter cold. Mulches can also be used for decorating the tops of pots.



We intended that process which allows to remove horizontal clods from the soil. The clods then will be rolled over and destroyed in order to bring the soil back to its original phase, helping the passage of organic substances, providing space and nutriments to the new crop



We don't remove more than one-third of the grass height. The mower should be on the highest setting for the first cut of the year. After that aim to keep grass at about 4cm (1½in) tall in spring, autumn, and winter, and at about 2.5cm (1in) in summer. Fine lawns are kept shorter, at 6–13mm (¼–½in).



We Plant seeds in a place or on an object. Cloud seeding, manipulating cloud formations. Seeding (computing), a concept in computing and peer-to-peer file sharing.


Fresh Vegetables

Our key sources of vitamins and minerals for human beings. Consumption of vegetables helps to meet the recommended daily intake of these essential nutrients in everyday life (Bakirci, Yaman Acay, Bakirci, & Otles,



Our Evening watering is also fine, as the cooler conditions mean less water is lost to evaporation. Watering in the heat of the day is not a good idea as much water is lost through evaporation from the surface of the soil and the plants will use water more efficiently if watered in the cooler parts of the day.


Vegetable selling

We have many ways to sell vegetables, including at farmers markets, to restaurants, or online


Why Choose Us

More than 37 year experience in KAZI SEEDS LIMITED industry

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Plants needs rain

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Love organic foods

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Sell vegies

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